Savages Movie
Oliver Stoner is set to direct Savages, a movie adaptation of the novel of the same name written by Don Winslow. The story revolves around two low-life drug dealers who are roped into working for the drug cartel that kidnaps their young female companion. The script is co-written by Shane Salerno and Don Winslow. Aaron Johnson and Taylor Kitsch got the lead role as the two drug dealers. And Benico del Toro is set to play the movie's villain. The release date hasn't been announced yet.
"Two friends (Aaron Johnson and Taylor Kitsch) from Laguna Beach share the same girlfriend and a thriving business growing and distributing the best-quality pot on the planet. When they resist being muscled by a Mexican drug cartel, the girl is kidnapped and the ransom is every cent they've made for the last five years. They agree to pay but hatch an alternate plan to get her back, get revenge, and then get lost."
I wonder who's going to be cast as the girlfriend. Any suggestion maybe?
Anyway, stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Savages.
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